Dr Sarah Bishop
BSc, PGCert, D.Clin.Psych
You Ask - I Answer
Choosing who to see for therapy can be tricky. Not only finding someone with the right experience, but who also feels like the right "fit" for you and who you can feel safe and comfortable with is important. It helps to ask questions and find out more information before you make any decision. For this reason, I offer a free no-obligation, free of charge telephone call before committing to therapy. You can also take a look at some answers to the most frequently asked psychology-related questions and requests below.
How long does each therapy session take and what is the cost?
Each appointment lasts 50 minutes. This includes both face to face appointments and video calls. Fees are £100 per appointment. Appointments can take place in person in Halesowen, Birmingham or via video call.
What is a Clinical Psychologist?
A Clinical Psychologist has earned a doctorate in clinical psychology. This is a three year doctorate level programme of study, accredited by a university and the British Psychological Society (BPS). This is the highest level and standard of training.
Prior to studying the doctorate, a 3 year undergraduate psychology degree (or conversion) needs to have been completed as well as usually at least two years of clinical experience working in mental health settings. On average, a Clinical Psychologist will have at least 8 years of experience and training before qualifying. I have been fully qualified now for 10 years, and prior to this had 10 years experience of working in psychology and mental health settings.
In order to achieve my doctoral qualification, specialist clinical placements within the NHS and academic assignments, including a research thesis, were required. As part of the training various models of therapy are practised and supervised by experienced senior clinicians. These are then examined via the submission of written reports, case studies and formal observations. This mode of training enables Clinical Psychologists to have a broad overview of a variety of different types of difficulties, therapeutic approaches and research models, enabling them to work in a variety of different settings.
Will everything I say be treated with confidentiality?
Everything that is discussed during appointments is treated in strictest confidence. However, in order to give you the best possible treatment, it is a requirement of my professional practice to discuss my clinical work with a professionally registered supervisor who is also bound by confidentiality. In rare cases where I thought that there was a possibility of harm to yourself or another person I would be professionally obliged and bound by a duty of care to contact the relevant authorities. If this were to occur I would always endeavour to discuss this with you beforehand.
How do you know if a therapists is professionally registered?
You should always choose a therapist who is registered with an appropriate governing body. Clinical Psychologists in the UK are required to registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). The HCPC are the body which monitors healthcare professionals in the UK and provides assurances of safe practice. You can search for my registration under the HCPC by following this link:
Check the Register and find a registered health and care professional | (hcpc-uk.org)
My registration number is PYL30355 and I am under "Practitioner Psychologist".
It is important to know that the terms "psychologist" and "therapist" are NOT protected titles. This means ANYONE can use these titles. Someone stating that they are a "therapist" or "psychologist" does not necessarily mean that they are accredited, or have the relevant qualifications or experience to help you. Please ensure you research any therapist before engaging in therapy with them.